Choosing to be Happy

The thing with me and my cancer is that I never thought that I could die...that this was it. Even after being diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma, it never even fazed me. I guess I've always been a positive person. I like to laugh my way through uncomfortable...

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What to Expect at The Unexpected Gift.

We are not a gift shop and we are not a maternity store. No, cancer is not a gift. Unexpectedly, it changed my focus on what life is about. It changed my views on how I was living my life and I knew I needed to do something different. So, I opened a store to help...

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Who is your support?

Support people are the people in your life that have not slowly moved away since you were diagnosed with cancer. In a positive sense, it results in thinning out the social responsibilities that a person has. I do not see a negative, for me, the people that became...

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Cancer Conundrum

Recently, I have had many customers ask me questions about their therapies and doctor visits. The theme seems to be why this and not that? Why does this doctor prescribe this, but my friends doctor did not? Why is there not a standard protocol, a checklist? I also get...

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Physical Activity, Recurrence and Rowing…

Prior to being diagnosed with breast cancer, I was a very active person. I had become addicted to boxing about four years prior. The sport, the community and the workouts were fantastic. I was very dedicated, 5 mornings a week at 6:45 am. That's hardcore. I did not...

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Four years ago today, memories of cancer and treatment.

In this last week or so, I have had a few women come in the store and they are getting ready for their first round of chemotherapy. Purchasing head wear and trying on wigs because they know they will be losing their hair. I have been thinking of what to write for this...

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I do a lot of reading about cancer. Sometimes it is simple Face Book posts, other times it is articles in credible magazines, and sometimes I research deeper. Articles, memoirs, or really anything written by someone who has gone through cancer, including myself, have...

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The Importance of Regular Mammograms

Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple...

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